Avon Lake High School Drama Club
The ALHS Drama Boosters are supporting a fundraising effort to offset the cost of professionally installed theatrical stage curtains for the Dr. Daniel B. Ross Performing Arts Center at Avon Lake High School. The ALHS Drama Boosters will match the first $5000 in donations.
Mighty Goliath Productions has already donated $15,000 to help defray the cost of the new drapery and rigging systems. The ALHS Drama Club has also contributed $5,000 towards completion of this $50,000 project.
You may be wondering why this project has to be spearheaded now prior to the major renovation project proposed for our district. The answer is honest and straightforward. We cannot wait to complete this project. The drapery did not pass the professional inspection. They are torn in many areas and most significantly no longer contain fire retardant.
Please, share this information with your booster organizations.
Thank you.
Patricia Frank
ALHS Drama Director
Manager of the Performing Arts Center